Documentary Live! debut at Endgames' Indie Night
8:00 PM20:00

Documentary Live! debut at Endgames' Indie Night

Documentary Live! — A dozen of San Francisco's up-and-coming comedians create mockumentaries live onstage, inspired by your suggestion.

Documentary Live! debuts at Endgames Improv's Indie Night, 8pm Tues @ Stagewerx, 446 Valencia.

Show is only $10, and your ticket admits you to the rest of the night. Free for current Endgames Improv students.

Documentary Live! is: Kevin Inglin, Anton Shuster, Anthony Palladino, Annie MacMullan, Stephen Chisa, Dana Hall, Jessica Rosenfield, Michael Parlato, Leila Carrillo, Logan Davis, Jeduan Cornejo

Directed by Chris Griswold

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